Aims: To design and develop point-of-care-testing device for multiple analysis of parameters from blood serum or urine for early diagnosis of common non-communicable diseases prevalent at rural settings.
Objectives :
To understand the existing gaps of health diagnosis and prevalent non-communicable diseases in a rural scenario.
To determine the requirements and develop proof of concept for multi analysis point of care testing device (s) for low resource rural healthcare facilities.
To develop high fidelity working prototypes of the device, with focus on repeatability sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.
To clinically validate the test result with gold standard analyzers at secondary or tertiary care units.
Dr Dipankar Bandyopadhyay | Professor
IIT Guwahati, October 2018
Dr Pankaj Upadhyay | Professor
IIT Guwahati 2014
Key Courses Taken :
Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Quantitative Research Methods in Social Science
Fudamentals of Micro nano fluidics and Micro fabrication
Applied and Cognitive Ergonomics.
Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science
Nano Device: Fabrication, Productization and Patent Writing